Emerge Names A’shanti Gholar as Next President
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 28, 2020 CONTACT: Allison Abney allison@emergeamerica.org; 202-670-7994 EMERGE NAMES A’SHANTI GHOLAR AS NEXT PRESIDENT Washington, DC—Emerge, the nation’s premier organization that recruits and trains Democratic women to run for office, announced today that it has named A’shanti Gholar as its next… Read More
Corruption in Campaign Finance Is a Racial Justice Issue
Ten years ago, on a narrow 5-4 vote, the Supreme Court of the United States issued a decision that has reshaped our country’s democracy. Citizens United v. FEC opened a new era in Big Money influence in politics, fueling a dramatic rise in election spending by super PACs and other shadowy… Read More
How to run for Congress
You’re watching the news, you’re talking to people, you’re annoyed at Congress. No, you’re furious at Congress, and you know you could do so much better in that job. But wait — you hate speaking in public, you’re not rich and your name isn’t Kennedy, Bush, Clinton or Trump. Would anyone vote… Read More
More than 120 Emerge Alums Win On Election Night in Critical Year for Democrats
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 6, 2019 CONTACT: Danielle Noel 202-780-5953; danielle@emergeamerica.org MORE THAN 120 EMERGE ALUMS WIN ON ELECTION NIGHT IN CRITICAL YEAR FOR DEMOCRATS As… Read More
Emerge Launches State Affiliate in Georgia
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 21, 2019 MEDIA CONTACT: Danielle Noel (202) -780-5953, danielle@emergeamerica.org Emerge Launches State Affiliate in Georgia Atlanta, Georgia—With a surge of women newly interested in running for office, Emerge Georgia is launching in the Peach State… Read More
Emerge Unveils National Brand Refresh
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 8, 2019 MEDIA CONTACT: Allison Abney allison@emergeamerica.org; 202-670-7994 Washington, D.C. — Emerge, the nation’s premier organization that recruits and trains Democratic women to run for office, released a refresh of national branding today. Reflecting the growth and evolution of the organization… Read More
Andrea Dew Steele to Depart Emerge America
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 9, 2019 CONTACT: Allison Abney (202) 670-7994; allison@emergeamerica.org Andrea Dew Steele to Depart Emerge America Washington, D.C.–Emerge America, the nation’s premier organization that recruits, trains and provides a powerful network for Democratic women to… Read More
Emerge America Names Amanda Renteria as Board Chair
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 23, 2019 CONTACT: Allison Abney allison@emergeamerica.org; (202) 670-7994 Emerge America Names Amanda Renteria as Board Chair Washington, D.C.—Emerge America, the nation’s premier organization that recruits, trains and provides a powerful network of Democratic women who want to run for… Read More
Anne Wakabayashi Joins Emerge America as National Alumnae Director
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE MEDIA CONTACT: Allison Abney 202-670-7994; allison@emergeamerica.org Anne Wakabayashi Joins Emerge America as National Alumnae Director Washington, D.C.—Emerge America, the nation’s premier organization for recruiting and training Democratic women to run for office, announced today that it has hired Anne Wakabayashi as the… Read More
Emerge America Invests in Growing the Movement of Women Running for Office
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 2, 2018 CONTACT: Danielle Noel 202-780-5953; danielle@emergeamerica.org “Change starts at the school board, city council and state house” Washington, D.C.– The historic surge in Democratic women candidates running during the 2018… Read More