CA Legislature

By Katie Zoglin, Emerge California Class of 2013   On Monday, the California State Legislature will swear in its largest freshman class in over 70 years. This class will bring in what has been described as a “Democratic supermajority” but also a reduction in the number of women representing Californians in Sacramento. Read More

What am I doing? Politics? Again??

By Robin Beck, Class of 2013   I worked all day at the high school and came home to make sure that all the patrons of my buying club are able to get and pay for their groceries. After a chat with the treasurer, my family and I head to the barn to feed the calf, sheep, hens, and rabbits. I check on one rabbit, Jewell, extra close. She’s due any day now. We get done and come in. I fix supper. After supper, we slice up vanilla beans and put them to soak. In six months, we’ll have homemade vanilla extract. Read More

Who leads the Democrats in Congress matters

By Karen Middleton, Emerge America President   Coming off the heels of a recent election is difficult. Waking up early, having no other campaign to work on leaves a person questioning what is next. Emerge California was the perfect decision for a person wanting to get their feet wet, with the hopes of eventually running for office. Sadly, less than 20% of politicians are women. Emerge is going to change that.   I am constantly reminded that despite our continued success to elect more women at all levels of office (and 76 Emerge women won last Tuesday), we must continue to pay attention and be mindful of the political chatter about who should be in leadership. Read More

Know a woman who should run for office?

Emerge is in TWELVE states across the country, and quickly expanding!  Ten of our organizations are currently accepting applications from qualified women Democrats in their states.  If you know a woman who should apply - see the list of states below, and connect your future candidate to the Emerge program in their state! Arizona: November 15th deadline Read More

My First Blog and I'm a Little Uneasy

By Moira O'Neill, Emerge Maine Class of 2013   My first blog and I’m a little uneasy.   I’m thinking about the women’s vote and how women can make all the difference in this year’s election.     And I’m looking at images of Malala Yousafzai – the little Pakastani girl who was treated to a bullet in her head by the Pakastani Taliban on October 9th.  They said her advocacy for women’s education was obscene. She has been blogging about educating women since she was 11. Read More

My First Blog and I’m a Little Uneasy

By Moira O'Neill, Emerge Maine Class of 2013   My first blog and I’m a little uneasy.   I’m thinking about the women’s vote and how women can make all the difference in this year’s election.     And I’m looking at images of Malala Yousafzai – the little Pakastani girl who was treated to a bullet in her head by the Pakastani Taliban on October 9th.  They said her advocacy for women’s education was obscene. She has been blogging about educating women since she was 11. Read More

My Journey Into Politics

by Vanessa Bell, Emerge Maine Class of 2013   If you would have asked me 10 years ago to join Emerge, I would have looked at you like you were crazy! I didn’t really follow politics, and, until recently, I was honestly not that interested in it. However, back in college, being curious about protesting in general, I did protest George W. when he came to campus. There I was, in the front line of protesters, when I first noticed the cop eyeing me down. Read More

Facing Guilt While Reaching for My Goals

by Dora McCarthy, Emerge Maine Class of 2013 This week I have battled what many women have to battle: guilt.  We juggle our social, business, and family lives with many of the balls being in the air at the same time.  We handle it and get on a steady rhythm, day in and day out.  We feel empowered and confident, then someone throws us another ball and we feel off balance and overwhelmed.  Read More

Amazing Quilted Sisters

by Gayle Russell, Emerge Maine Class of 2013   Amazing Quilted Sisters   Quilts are amazing.   I am passionate about quilts and quilting.   Quilts provide warmth and a sense of security.   Quilts comfort those with sorrow and wrap them with love.   Quilts promote creativity, rearranging the colors of our world into beautiful works of art.   Quilts commemorate special occasions.   Read More