From Saigon to Emerge

By Van Lan Truong, Emerge California Class of 2013   The year 2013 is certainly another major milestone in my life, after having left Vietnam  and resettled in the US in 1975. As I look back at my life’s journey, being a part of  Emerge has been nothing but wonderful- as one of my girlfriends has commented  “Girrrl, you have come a long way!” Yes, indeed I have, both physically and mentally;  Physically, I have lived in many major cities in the U.S. Read More

When to Discuss the “L” Word

By Emiley Lockhart, Emerge Massachusetts   It’s not a pretty topic.  We try to avoid it and fill our heads with “winning strategies” and “winning words.”  But it’s out there and it’s about time we are honest: there is a chance you can … Lose.  In fact, I just did.   It started simply enough: I launched my first political campaign about a month after joining Emerge.  It seemed like a natural thing to do given the timing and the classes. Read More

Reaching Pro-Women Voters and Candidates

By Lori Droste, Emerge California Class of 2013   Extensive research indicates that men and women assess candidates differently and care about different issues. This research has found that the voting “gender gap” is significant and can range from 4 to 19 percentage points (Carroll, 2010). Men are more likely to favor candidates who support strong national security and more privatization (Burrell, 2005) while women are concerned with issues of health care and education. Read More

New Blog Post by Ronda Scholting, Emerge Colorado Class of 2013

By Ronda Scholting,o Emerge Colorado Class of 2013 It’s hard to pinpoint the exact moment when the bravado and self-assurance that we all seem to possess when we’re very young turns to caution and self-doubt. When the decisions that used to be made so quickly and without much thought turn to decisions made slowly with the agonizing weight of pros and cons and what-ifs. Read More

Part of the Solution

By Priscilla Flint, Emerge Massachusetts Class of 2013           Emerge, Massachusetts gave me the opportunity to learn new skills needed to consider a successful run for political office. The training afforded me with an opportunity to meet a diverse group of women from across Massachusetts that share my passion for change. Read More

Lean In…Sit At The Table…Take The Leap…and Dance

By Elizabeth Baca, MD, MPA, Emerge California Class of 2013   There has been so much buzz around Sheryl Sandberg’s new book, Lean In, that I felt compelled to add to the discussion.  I uniquely identify with her on a few fronts,  as a young 4 year-old my family actually had a baby blue colored t-shirt made for me with my photo on it and the phrase, “I’m the Boss!”  Apparently, I wanted to be in charge and had an opinion about everything. Read More

Worth the Investment

by Erica Mattison, Emerge MA Class of 2013   There’s no doubt about it – it’s an investment.  Many women who consider enrolling in Emerge are concerned that with all the other things they have going on in their lives, they will not be able to also find the time to participate in Emerge.  With work, family, civic activities, and school, it can be hard to find the time to squeeze in another time commitment.  But I think I speak for dozens if not hundreds of women, when I say Emerge is an investment worth making. Read More

Worth the Investment

by Erica Mattison, Emerge MA Class of 2013   There’s no doubt about it – it’s an investment.  Many women who consider enrolling in Emerge are concerned that with all the other things they have going on in their lives, they will not be able to also find the time… Read More