By Priscilla Flint, Emerge Massachusetts Class of 2013
Emerge, Massachusetts gave me the opportunity to learn new skills needed to consider a successful run for political office. The training afforded me with an opportunity to meet a diverse group of women from across Massachusetts that share my passion for change. My classroom experience provided me with knowledgeable and well informed discussion and a true meaningful learning experience of running for public office.
A true testament to my learning experience comes from working in the community with organizations such as Mothers for Justice and Equality and the Leadership Forum. In both organizations, I am always reminded of the need for the people to be engaged in the process of civic leadership and social change. Today, we as a community are still facing the social and emotional effects of poverty and racism that continue to be the leading cause of disparities in the lives of our children and their families. Unemployment rates are higher than state levels and our education system lack the tools necessary to equip our children for a prosperous future. Our children are incarcerated at alarming rates and little public resources are being directed to preventive programs and family stabilization.
During my tenure as a City of Boston employee and becoming an author (“I Look Back and Wonder How I got over”) I never thought I would consider being in public office, but today I realize that it is not only necessary for me and others to take a leadership role in civic engagement but it is imperative that we take a stand for those who are less fortunate and at a disadvantage. We must lead a change in our communities, cities and nation.
So, I pledge to be a change agent for today and a change maker for tomorrow.