We Stand With the AAPI Community

Friends, Three weeks ago, we could not have imagined that our lives would change so drastically. In this short time, as we’ve learned to adjust, our communities have come together in ways that are inspiring and encouraging as we navigate our new realities. However,… Read More

Campaigning Through Crisis Webinar Series

We understand that running a traditional campaign is not possible during this public health crisis. That is why Emerge is offering a new, five-part webinar series that will help prepare Democratic women to continue to campaign during this time. Leaders matter and we want to make sure they are equipped… Read More

Emerge Names A’shanti Gholar as Next President

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 28, 2020 CONTACT: Allison Abney allison@emergeamerica.org; 202-670-7994 EMERGE NAMES A’SHANTI GHOLAR AS NEXT PRESIDENT Washington, DC—Emerge, the nation’s premier organization that recruits and trains Democratic women to run for office, announced today that it has named A’shanti Gholar as its next… Read More

How to run for Congress

You’re watching the news, you’re talking to people, you’re annoyed at Congress. No, you’re furious at Congress, and you know you could do so much better in that job. But wait — you hate speaking in public, you’re not rich and your name isn’t Kennedy, Bush, Clinton or Trump. Would anyone vote… Read More

Emerge Georgia Seeks an Executive Director

Founded in 2019, Emerge Georgia is the premier political leadership training organization for Democratic women in Georgia. Our mission is to recruit, train and inspire Democratic women to pursue public office at the local, state and national levels through our 6-month campaign training program. Emerge Georgia’s work is sorely needed. Read More

2019 Candidate Spotlight: Radhika Nath

My name is Radhika Nath and I am running for Denver Public Schools’ Board of Education because every child deserves high-quality education and the opportunity to succeed. I came to this country as an immigrant drawn to its excellent higher educational institutions. I… Read More