Jessica Vega Pederson is a mother, a technology professional, a progressive Democrat, a proud resident of East Portland, and the first Latina elected to the Oregon House of Representatives. She was first elected to the Oregon House in 2012.
Jessica is running for Multnomah County Commissioner because she believes everyone in our region deserves a fair shot. She is committed to making Multnomah County an even better place to live, work, and raise a family.
As Chair of the Energy and Environment committee in the House, Jessica carried to passage Oregon’s Clean Fuels Standard and the Clean Electricity and Coal Transition Plan, both of which reduce pollution and create good-paying jobs. As Majority Whip, she helped lead the fight for universal paid sick time, a higher minimum wage, stronger equal pay laws, and stable funding for Oregon’s schools.
Before being elected to the State House, Jessica worked in the tech sector, helping start-ups, small businesses, and Fortune 500 companies to grow their business.