These are times that need and require people to be involved in politics and government policies. There are many issues at both the state and national level that effect the most vulnerable people of our society. We need to ensure that children, the disabled and the elderly have the necessities required to live and be safe in their lives.
In Maine we have the challenge of working on the Supplemental Budget which leads to balancing the budget for the 2013 fiscal year. A balanced budget is necessary and required in Maine but it should not be balanced on the backs of our most vulnerable citizens.
I am challenging myself to speak up and to lobby for what is right and fair for all the people of Maine. There are children that need Head Start Programs. Some of our disabled and elderly people need (DEL) a Low Cost Drugs for the Elderly program. Everyone needs affordable insurance that gives good coverage to all people regardless of preexisting conditions or age.
I am also challenging all my sisters in EMERGE to stand up and speak up for the people that cannot or do not know how to effect changes for themselves. We have been fortunate to have been trained in a our wonderful EMERGE Program and we know how to help others and effect changes for the betterment of all. Please help because People Matter.
I close with a quote from Dr. Ethel Percy Andrus, the founder of AARP, who once
said “we learn the inner secret of happiness when we learn to direct our inner drives, our interest and our attention to something besides ourselves”.