In response to the ruling from a federal judge for the Northern District of Texas that moves to block access to the abortion pill mifepristone, Emerge President A’shanti F. Gholar released the following statement:
“The Texas ruling blocking access to mifepristone is yet another attack by Republicans on our reproductive freedoms, placing the opinions of a vocal minority over facts and decisions that should be left to a woman and her doctor. Mifepristone is a proven safe and effective medical treatment, and we know there is no scientific reason for this order. This is about limiting our rights and ultimately control of women.
We always knew overturning Roe v. Wade was just the beginning of Republicans’ plan for a nationwide abortion ban. These attempts to restrict our reproductive choices will not stop, and it’s up to us to take a stand against this continuous chipping away of our fundamental rights.
Emerge’s work to reach 100,000 women of the New American Majority–Black, Brown, and Indigenous women and women of color, as well as young, LGBTQ+, and unmarried women–has never been more important, especially as we look to train the next generation of judges. We know it is Democratic women, and especially NAM women, who are the defenders of democracy and will lead our country into the future as legislators, jurists, and leaders, safeguarding our rights and upholding our most essential freedoms.
We must redouble our efforts to recruit and train more of these women to run for office–and win. The future of our country and freedoms of generations to come are at stake.”