Emerge Statement on President Biden’s Exit

  • Jul 21, 2024
  • A'shanti F. Gholar

Washington, D.C. — Following President Biden’s announcement that he is exiting the 2024 presidential race, Emerge President A’shanti F. Gholar issued a statement:

Today, Joe Biden put our country first as he has done throughout his lifetime of service as a Senator, a Vice President, and now President. His decision to step aside and allow the Democratic Party to unite behind the strongest candidate to defeat Donald Trump will secure his legacy as one of our nation’s greatest leaders.

As an organization that centers women of the New American Majority—Black, Brown, and Indigenous women and women of color, as well as young, LGBTQ+, and unmarried women—Emerge will continue to support the leadership of Vice President Kamala Harris, who sparked the founding of our organization over 20 years ago. Vice President Harris is a champion for women and a fighter for our rights. She has been a leader for this country on important issues, from abortion rights to voting rights to the economy, and is best prepared for this moment. 

We look forward to working to strengthen the Democratic Party and win in November.