June 21, 2023
CONTACT: Philippa Martinez-Berrier
Washington, DC— Reflecting on a year since the Republican-controlled Supreme Court took away Americans’ right to privacy, Emerge President A’shanti F. Gholar issued the following statement:
“We can’t sugar coat it. As women have gained more rights and power over the past decades, Republicans have worked relentlessly to control us.
Not only are these policies totally out of step with the views of most Americans, the consequences of not having Democratic women in power are glaring and deadly.
And let’s be clear: while Republicans think they should have control over health care access, abortion, birth control, and IVF, it doesn’t stop with health. Republicans are hell bent on taking Americans’ rights and freedoms away when it means that they can give themselves more power. Right now, Republican politicians across the country are legislating to tell Americans what they can read, what they can learn, what art they can see, and how they can parent.
At Emerge our work is more important than ever. Our mission to reach 100,000 women of the New American Majority, foster a culture of life as you climb, and repower political structures is a critical piece of preparing the next generation of leaders who will stand up to these attacks on our freedoms and lead our country into a brighter future.
Americans know people who live in states controlled by Republican politicians shouldn’t have less rights and worse quality of life than those who live in states run by Democrats. That’s why Americans not only continue to vote for access to health care of all kinds, they are voting Democratic women into office to protect their health care rights. Because Americans care about freedom, and their rights guaranteed to them in the Constitution, they are choosing Democratic women to lead. That’s why Emerge predicts record waves of women leaders to come.”
There are a record number of women in Congress – 150 – alongside historic gains in gubernatorial, statewide, and legislative offices. There are now 12 women governors, women near gender parity with 22 lieutenant governors, and have a historic high of women – 32% – in state legislatures.
At Emerge, 71% of our candidates won in the November 2022 election. Our alums holding elected office have surged to 1200+ nationwide and our network has grown to 5500+ women and impacted 45 states and the District of Columbia and U.S. territories, record highs.
Emerge’s new democracy building slate of training programs – Gavel In, Seated Together, and school boards – is uniquely focused on building reflective government for the first time in American history, as we cannot have a full fledged democracy without representation.
The organization is committed to reaching 100,000 women of the New American Majority over the next 15 years, fostering a lift as you climb culture for women in politics, and repowering political structures. There are currently 27 state affiliates, and the organization has impacted a total of 45 states, Washington, D.C. and territories.