For Immediate Release
November 3, 2021
Contact – Allison Abney;
A’shanti Gholar: “Going forward, Democrats must be more strategic about choosing our candidates and where we run them to build long term power.”
Washington, DC –– Emerge had 206 alums on the ballot in yesterday’s election, and with more than 21 races left to call, 113 of those women have won. Those wins include 33 first time candidates, 46 women of color candidates,12 LGBTQ+ women, and 30 women 44 and under.
Emerge President A’shanti Gholar released the following statement:
“Despite the mixed results from last night, one thing is clear, in order for Democrats to hold our gains and expand into new territories, we must run candidates who speak to the experiences of Democratic voters who will excite and energize them. Voters showed last night they aren’t willing to cast their ballot for any Democratic candidate put before them, even if they voted for Democrats in past elections, and want representation that understands where they come from and the life experiences they are living.
“Going forward, Democrats must be more strategic about choosing our candidates and where we run them to build long term power. And while the Virginia races are no doubt a warm up for 2022, how we perform next year isn’t written in stone. If Democrats want to hold onto the power they’ve gained in past election cycles and prevent a Republican sweep, it’s on us to give voters something that gets them to the ballot box.
“This is a wake up call. We have the ability to change the face of politics long into the future. But only if we are willing to do the work to achieve this vision.”
Emerge hosted a briefing earlier today, which included Gholar along with Virginia Delegate Danica Roem and Boston City Councilor Julia Mejia. The audio recording is available upon request.