Emerge Alums Win Big in Spring Elections

  • Apr 6, 2022
  • Emerge Staff


April 6, 2022

CONTACT: Kaleb Harmon



Emerge Alums Win Big in Spring Elections


Washington, DC—Emerge, the nation’s premier organization that recruits and trains Democratic women to run for office, announced major wins across the country in early 2022 races. This announcement follows great results in elections in Wisconsin on Tuesday, where the organization had 33 alums on the ballot and 27 won their races—an 81% win rate. 

Yesterday’s wins are part of a pattern of successes from trailblazing women candidates in 2022. In Kentucky, Keturah Herron recently won her race to become the first out LGBTQ+ person to the State House of Representatives. In Connecticut, Maryam Khan recently became the first Muslim ever elected to the State House of Representatives there. And states like Tennessee are also electing women to municipal offices at record rates, a trend which we have seen continue.

“The elections we have seen so far this year underscore a nationwide trend–there is a strong desire for more women in office,” said A’shanti F. Gholar, president of Emerge. “When women, and especially women in the New American Majority, run, they bring much needed voices to public service. Their leadership provides better representation for communities, repowers our traditional political structures, and leads to focus on initiatives that have been historically overlooked in politics. We are proud of our newly elected alums and look forward to how they will enact change in our decision making bodies.”

Emerge has trained more than 5,000 alums since 2002 and currently has more than 1,000 alums in elected office across the country. The organization is committed to reaching 100,000 women of the New American Majority over the next 15 years, fostering a lift as you climb culture for women in politics, and repowering political structures. There are currently 27 state affiliates, and the organization has impacted a total of 45 states, Washington, D.C. and territories.

