Amy is a Certified Financial Planner and founder of the independent Registered Investment Advisory firm, Acorn Financial Planning. She previously spent 20 years in senior Research and Development positions at pioneering public Silicon Valley high technology companies. Committed to making our democracy more reflective of America, empowering women economically and electing more qualified women to public office, Amy ran Hillary Clinton’s Silicon Valley field office in 2008, was a member of the Hillary for America National Finance Council and is a co-founder of Electing Women Silicon Valley, a Democratic donor circle supporting women running for federal office. She has been Chair of the Santa Clara County Citizens Advisory Commission on Elections, President of her local Democratic Club, a Board member of her local Planned Parenthood Advocates affiliate, a member of a local Community Foundation’s Investment Committee and Chair of her city’s Finance Commission. Amy holds a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Mills College and an master’s degree in Computer Science from Stanford University. Active in her community, Amy and her husband Skip live in Santa Rosa, CA.