Kirstin Albrecht
Attorney, TRA Group
Joan Blades
Co-Founder, Move-On and Mom’s Rising
Maureen Blanc
Director, Charge Across Town
Heather Booth
Executive Director, Americans for Financial Reform
Donna Brazile
Former Chair of the Democratic National Committee; Author; Political Strategist
Josie Caballero
Director, U.S. Trans Survey and Special Projects, National Center for Transgender Equality/NCTE Action Fund
Joi O. Chaney
Founder of J.O.I. Strategies
Rebecca Cokley
Program Officer, U.S. Disability Rights;
Interim Co-Chair, Native American Working Group;
Ford Foundation
Bishop Leah Daughtry
President, On These Things LLC
Wendy Davis
Founder of Deeds Not Words; former 2014 Texas Gubernatorial Candidate and State Senator
Quinn Delaney
Founder and President, Akonadi Foundation
Caroline Donahue
Former Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing and Sales Officer at Intuit
Loretta Durbin
President, Illinois Women’s Institute for Leadership
Pamela Eakes
advertising and marketing exeutive; Former Executive Director of the Women’s Leadership Forum
Gloria Feldt
Co-Founder and President of Take The Lead
Brenda Gadd
Nashville District 24 Council Member; President and CEO at Rethink Public Strategies
Louise Gund
Democratic activist and philanthropist
Christina Ann Harbridge
President, Allegory Training
Chanelle Hardy
Civil Rights and Strategic Outreach
Scott Hogan
Former Executive Director, GA Democratic Party; Senior Strategic Advisor, President Biden
Dorka Keehn
Co-Founder, Emerge; Principal, Keehn On Art
Nancy Kirshner-Rodriguez
Senior Director for Policy & Outreach at the Oceantic Network
Madeleine Kunin
Former Governor of Vermont; Former U.S. Ambassador to Switzerland
Paulette Jordan
Former Candidate for Idaho Governor
Celinda Lake
President, Lake Research Partners
Lindsay Lassman
Political and Philanthropic Advisor, Lindsay Lassman Consulting; Former Emerge California Board Member
Jennifer Lawless
Commonwealth Professor of Politics, University of Virginia
Barbara Lee
Founder and President, Barbara Lee Political Office & Barbara Lee Family Foundation
Bel Leong-Hong
Founder, President, & CEO, Knowledge Advantage Inc.
Ann Lewis
President,, Former Advisor to Senator Hillary Clinton
Elissa McBride
Secretary-Treasurer, AFSCME
Farah Melendez
Political & Campaign Strategist
Alyssa Milano
Actor, Activist
Ann Miller
Director, Political/Legislative Affairs Department, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
Amy Pearl
Former Emerge Board Member
Carol Pensky
Democratic Activist
Gretchen Schoenstein
Founding Board Member, Emerge; Vice President, Allegory Inc.
Dale Schroedel
WLE Board Member
Safanya Searcy
Deputy Director, Service Employees International Union (SEIU)
Liz Shuler
President, AFL-CIO
Jennifer Siebel Newsom
Founder and CEO of The Representation Project, Filmmaker Miss Representation and The Mask You Live In
Rebecca Sive
Author, Women’s Leadership Strategist, former public official, and professor at the Harris School of Public Policy of the University of Chicago
Marya Stark
Co-Founder, Emerge and Trajectory Women
Gloria Steinem
Writer and activist
Robin Sternberg
Founder, Activate22, Political Strategist, and former Deputy Commissioner of Economic Development for the State of Minnesota.
Susie Tompkins Buell
Democratic activist and philanthropist
Whitney Tymas
Director, Prosecution and Racial Justice Program at the Vera Institute
Nicole Venable
Principal, Invariant
Nicholas I. Wiggins
Managing Director, Values Partnerships
Rashmi Yadav Marya
Former Emerge Board Member
Nancy Zirkin
Executive Vice President, Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights
Andrea Dew Steele
Founder, Emerge